Our Medically Developed Weight Loss Program Offers Dieters What They Really Want…a Structured Program that Can Put an End to Constant Dieting
As of 2008, the World Health Organization reported that at least 2.8 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese and that more than 10% of the world’s adult population was obese. If your weight is affecting your health, or you fear it might eventually lead to that, Ideal Protein may have your solution. The fundamental philosophy of Ideal Protein is to increase your overall well being by coaching dieters through sensible, stable weight loss and empowering you with the knowledge to make sustainable, smarter eating choices. When you follow the Ideal Protein weight-loss method, you will learn:
- how calories are burnt and what calorie consumption means;
- which foods are best suited to balanced weight management;
- when, why and in what combination to eat carbohydrates, fats and proteins;
- why exercise is important to the functioning of the body;
- and much more.
You’ve already taken the first step on your journey towards stable weight loss…you can’t stop now. Please contact The Medicine Shoppe 203 / RUH today to request your initial weight loss assessment and learn more about the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method.
103 Hospital Drive Saskatoon SK S7N0W8
The Medicine Shoppe 203 / RUH is Authorized to Use the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol and Products. The testimonials on this website are those of the individual that is identified, you should not necessarily expect to receive these results. Typical results vary from person to person and individual to individual when the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol is followed properly. You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other diet program to determine if it is right for your needs.
103 Hospital Drive
Saskatoon SK S7N0W8 – Phone: 306-655-4045
Copyright © 2018 Ideal Protein All rights reserved.